Shareholders' Meeting archive

  • 2024
    • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting April 23, 2024

      Entitlement to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting

      Entitlement to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting

      Those who hold voting rights at the end of the seventh market trading day prior to the date scheduled for the Shareholders' Meeting in a single call (April 12, 2024 - Record date) are entitled to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Those who prove to be holders of ordinary shares of the Company after this date will not be entitled to attend or vote at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Credit and debit entries registered in the accounts after the above-mentioned deadline shall not be considered for the purpose of legitimising the exercise of voting rights at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Entitlement to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise the right to vote is attested by a letter sent by the authorized intermediary to the Company, in compliance with the intermediary's accounting records, in favour of the person/entity entitled to vote. This communication must reach the Company by the end of the third open market day preceding the date set for the Shareholders' Meeting (i.e. by April 18, 2024). The right to attend and vote will not be affected if the Company receives the notice after this deadline, providing it is received before the start of the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Voting by proxy and Appointed Representative

      Voting by proxy and Appointed Representative

      Those entitled to participate and vote in the Shareholders' Meeting may be represented by means of a written proxy pursuant to current law, using the form available at the registered office (Via Borgonuovo 20, 20121 Milan) and on the Company's website, in the Governance/Shareholders' Meetings section: (
      The Company may be notified of the proxy by registered letter sent to the registered office (Corporate Affairs Department, at the address indicated above) or by email to the certified email address The proxy-holder may also deliver or send to the Company a copy of the proxy in substitution of the original, on an electronic support if preferred, attesting under their own responsibility that the proxy is a copy of the original and the identity of the delegating party.


      Participation and exercise of the right to vote at the Shareholders' Meeting can also take place through the representative designated by the Company pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the Consolidated Law on Finance (‘CLF’), identified in the person of the lawyer Dario Trevisan or his substitutes in case of impediment (“Appointed Representative").
      The Appointed Representative can be given a written proxy pursuant to article 135-undecies of the CLF, without expenses for the delegating party (except for any shipping costs), with voting instructions on all or some of the proposed resolutions concerning the items on the agenda.
      Giving a proxy to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF must be done by signing the specific "Appointed Representative Proxy Form", also in electronic format, made available on the Company's website, in the Governance/Shareholders' Meeting section and reach, with the related written voting instructions, together with a copy of an identity document and, in the case of a legal person, the documentation proving the corporate powers (copy of the Chamber of Commerce registration or similar), to lawyer Dario Trevisan

      • by courier or registered letter with return receipt, to the following address: Trevisan & Associates Law Firm, Viale Majno n. 45, 20122, Milan – Italy, or
      • electronically, to the following certified e-mail address:

      (Ref. "ITALMOBILIARE 2024 AGM Proxy"),

      no later than the end of the second open market day preceding the date set for the Shareholders' Meeting (i.e. no later than 23:59 pm on April 19, 2024).
      The proxy and the related voting instructions given to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF can be revoked prior to the aforementioned deadline (April 19, 2024) using the same procedures as for giving the proxy.
      A proxy given in this way only has effect for the motions on which voting instructions have been given.

      Note that the shares for which even a partial proxy has been given are counted to ensure regular constitution of the Shareholders' Meeting. In relation to the motions for which voting instructions have not been given, the shares are not counted for the purpose of calculating the majority and the share of capital required for approval of the resolutions.

      As of today's date, the Appointed Representative is available to the Shareholders to provide any information and clarifications that may be necessary about granting a proxy (and, in particular, regarding the completion of the proxy form and the voting instructions and their transmission), at the addresses indicated above and/or at the toll-free number: 800 134 679.
      The regular constitution of the Shareholders' Meeting and the validity of the resolutions on the items on the agenda are governed by law.

      Integration of the agenda and presentation of new motions

      Integration of the agenda and presentation of new motions

      According to art. 126-bis of the CLF, shareholders who, individually or jointly, own at least one fortieth of the share capital represented by shares with voting rights may request, in writing, within ten days of publication of this notice of calling, that the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting be integrated, indicating in the request the additional topics they are proposing or submitting motions on topics that are already on the agenda. Requests must be sent by registered letter to the registered offices (Corporate Affairs Department – Via Borgonuovo 20, Milan) or by email to the certified email address, accompanied by the appropriate documentation attesting ownership of the required shareholding issued by the authorized intermediary and proving entitlement to exercise this right. By the said deadline and using the same procedures, the Board of Directors must be given a report on the proposed topics for discussion or the reason for the additional resolution proposals submitted on the topics already on the agenda.

      Any integrations made to the agenda or the submission of additional motions on items already on the agenda will be announced in the same forms laid down for the publication of this notice of call, at least fifteen days prior to the date scheduled for the Shareholders' Meeting (namely April 8, 2024). At the same time, the report prepared by the shareholders making the proposal, accompanied by any assessments by the Board of Directors, will be made available to the public.

      Integrations of the agenda are not accepted for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves, by law, on the proposal of the directors or on the basis of a project or a report drawn up by the directors.

      Those entitled to vote may individually submit motions at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Right to submit questions on the items on the agenda

      Right to submit questions on the items on the agenda

      Those entitled to vote may submit questions on the items on the agenda, also prior to the Shareholders' Meeting. Requests should be received at least five open market days prior to the date of the meeting, i.e. by April 16, 2024, sent by registered letter to the registered offices (Corporate Affairs Department – Via Borgonuovo 20, Milan) or by email to the certified email address accompanied by the appropriate documentation attesting entitlement to exercise voting rights issued by the authorized intermediary.

      Questions submitted by the deadline indicated shall be answered at the Shareholders' Meeting at the latest. The Company may provide a single answer to various questions with the same content.

      Information on the share capital and shares with voting rights

      Information on the share capital and shares with voting rights

      It should be noted that at the date of publication of this notice:

      • the Company's share capital is divided into 42,500,000 ordinary shares without par value;
      • each ordinary share attributes the right to one vote;
      • the Company directly holds 217,070 treasury shares with suspended voting rights.

      Any subsequent change to the number of treasury shares held will be published on the Company's website and announced at the start of the Shareholders' Meeting.

  • 2023
  • 2022
    • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting April 21, 2022

      Entitlement to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting

      Entitlement to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting

      Those who hold voting rights at the end of the seventh open market day prior to the date scheduled for the Shareholders' Meeting at a single calling (April 8, 2022 - Record date) are entitled to attend the Shareholders' Meeting, exclusively through the appointed representative.

      Those who prove to be holders of ordinary shares of the Company after this date will not be entitled to attend or vote at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Credit and debit entries registered in the accounts after the above-mentioned deadline shall not be considered for the purpose of legitimising the exercise of voting rights at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Entitlement to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise the right to vote - which can only be exercised through the appointed representative - is attested by a notice sent by the authorised intermediary to the Company, in compliance with the intermediary's accounting records, in favour of the person entitled to vote. This notice must reach the Company before the end of the third open market day prior to the scheduled date of the Shareholders' Meeting (i.e. by April 14, 2022). The right to attend and vote will not be affected if the Company receives the notice after this deadline, providing it is received before the start of the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting, voting by proxy and the shareholders' representative appointed by the Company

      Attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting, voting by proxy and the shareholders' representative appointed by the Company

      In order to minimize the risks related to the spread of the COVID-19 health emergency and in light of the legislation concerning the state of epidemiological emergency, Italmobiliare has decided to make use of the faculty - pursuant to art. 106, paragraph 4, of Decree no. 18 (as last amended by the Law Decree no. 228 of December 30, 2021, converted into Law no. 15 of February 25, 2022) - to provide that attendance and exercising the right to vote at the Shareholders' Meeting will take place exclusively through the representative appointed by the Company pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF, identified as the Trevisan & Associati Law Firm, with registered office in Viale Majno 45, Milan (in the person of Mr. Dario Trevisan or his substitutes in case of impediment) ("Appointed Representative").

      Shareholders wishing to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting must therefore grant a specific proxy and/or sub-proxy to the Appointed Representative, pursuant to either:

      • 135-undecies of the CLF, by means of the "Appointed Representative Proxy Form", or
      • 135-novies of the CLF, with the right to use the "Ordinary Proxy Form" and/or the "Sub-Proxy Form", in the manner described below.


      • Proxy pursuant to art. 135-undecies CLF ("Appointed Representative Proxy")

      The Appointed Representative can be given a written proxy pursuant to article 135-undecies of the CLF, without expenses for the delegating party (except for any shipping costs), with voting instructions on all or some of the proposed resolutions concerning the items on the Agenda.

      Giving a proxy to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF must be done by signing the specific "Appointed Representative Proxy Form", also in electronic format, made available on the Company's website in the Governance/Shareholders' Meeting section ( and reach, with the related written voting instructions, together with a copy of an identity document and, in the case of a legal person, the documentation proving the corporate powers (copy of the Chamber of Commerce registration or similar), Trevisan & Associati Law Firm

      • by courier or registered letter with return receipt, to the address: Viale Majno 45, 20122 Milan, Italy, or
      • electronically, to the certified e-mail address: (Ref. "ITALMOBILIARE 2022 AGM Proxy"), no later than the end of the second open market day prior to the date of the Shareholders' Meeting (i.e. no later than 11:59 p.m. on April 19, 2022).

      The proxy and the related voting instructions given to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF can be revoked prior to the aforementioned deadline (April 19, 2022) using the same procedures as for giving the proxy.

      The proxy conferred in this way has effect only for those proposals on which voting instructions have been given.


      • Proxy and/or sub-proxy pursuant to art. 135-novies CLF ("ordinary proxy" and/or "sub-proxy")

      Those who do not make use of the proxies pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF can grant proxies and/or sub-proxies to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-novies of the CLF, notwithstanding art. 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the CLF - with the right to use the "Ordinary Proxy Form" and/or the "Sub-Proxy Form", also in electronic format, made available on the Company's website in the Governance/Shareholders' Meeting section ( - that, with the related written voting instructions, together with a copy of an identity document and, in the case of a legal person, of the documentation proving the corporate powers (copy of the Chamber of Commerce registration or similar), must reach Trevisan & Associati Law Firm

      • by mail, at the address: Viale Majno 45, 20122 Milan, Italy, or
      • electronically, by certified e-mail, at the address:; or by e-mail: (Ref. "ITALMOBILIARE 2022 AGM Proxy"), by 12:00 a.m. on April 20, 2022 (it being understood that the Appointed Representative may accept proxies and/or sub-proxies and/or voting instructions even after this deadline, as long as they arrive before the start of the meeting).

      The proxy and/or sub-proxy, with the related voting instructions, given to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-novies of the CLF can be revoked by the aforementioned deadline (April 20, 2022), using the same procedures as for giving the proxy.

      The proxy conferred in this way has effect only for the proposals on which voting instructions have been given.

      Integration of the agenda and submission of new resolution proposals

      Integration of the agenda and submission of new resolution proposals

      Shareholders who, individually or jointly, own at least one-fortieth of the share capital represented by shares with voting rights may request, in writing, within ten days of publication of this notice of calling, that the Agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting be integrated, indicating in the request the additional topics they are proposing or submitting proposals on topics that are already on the agenda. Requests must be sent by registered letter to the registered offices of the Company (Corporate Affairs Department - Milan, Via Borgonuovo 20) or by e-mail to the certified e-mail address, accompanied by the appropriate documentation attesting ownership of the required shareholding issued by the authorized intermediary and proving entitlement to exercise this right. By the said deadline and using the same procedures, the Board of Directors must be given a report on the proposed topics for discussion or the reason for the additional resolution proposals submitted on the topics already on the Agenda.

      Any integrations made to the Agenda or the submission of further resolution proposals on items already on the Agenda will be notified in the same forms laid down for the publication of this call notice, at least fifteen days before the date scheduled for the Shareholders' Meeting (namely April 6, 2022); at the same time, the report prepared by the shareholders making the proposal, accompanied by any assessments by the Board of Directors, will also be made available to the public.

      Integrations of the Agenda are not accepted for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves, by law, on the proposal of the directors or on the basis of a project or a report drawn up by the directors.

      Submission of individual resolution proposals

      Submission of individual resolution proposals

      Since attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting and the exercise of the right to vote can only take place through the Representative appointed by the Company, for the purposes of this Shareholders' Meeting, to allow interested parties to exercise their right pursuant to art. 126-bis, paragraph 1, penultimate sentence, of CLF - albeit with methods and terms compatible with the Covid-19 health emergency and with the unfailing requirement that the individual resolution proposals be known to all of the others entitled to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise the right to vote with sufficient notice for them, to provide voting instructions to the Appointed Representative - it is envisaged that the Shareholders may individually submit to the Company resolution proposals on the items on the agenda by April 5, 2022, so that the Company can then publish them. Shareholders who submit resolution proposals must demonstrate their right to do so by sending the Company specific documentation issued pursuant to the applicable provisions by the intermediary who keeps the account on which the ordinary shares are registered. The resolution proposals and the legitimating documentation must be submitted by registered mail to the registered office of the Company (Corporate Affairs Department - Milan, Via Borgonuovo 20) or by sending it to the certified e-mail address The resolution proposals received by the deadline and in the manner described above will be published on the Company's website by April 6, 2022, in such a way that those entitled to vote will be able to view them for the purpose of granting proxies and/or sub-proxies, with voting instructions, to the Appointed Representative. For these purposes, the Company reserves the right to verify the relevance of the resolution proposals with respect to the items on the Agenda, their completeness and their compliance with the applicable provisions, as well as the legitimacy of the proposers.

      Right to submit questions on the items on the agenda

      Right to submit questions on the items on the agenda

      Those entitled to vote may submit questions on the items on the Agenda, also before the Shareholders' Meeting. The questions should be received at least seven open market days prior to the date of the meeting, i.e. by April 8, 2022, sent by registered letter to the registered offices of the Company (Corporate Affairs Department - Milan, Via Borgonuovo 20) or by e-mail to the certified e-mail address together with appropriate documentation proving entitlement to exercise voting rights issued by the authorized intermediary.

      Answers to questions will be made available within two open market days prior to the Meeting (no later than 12:00 p.m.) on the Company's website, in the section Governance/Shareholders' Meeting ( The Company may provide a single answer to questions having the same content.

      Information on the share capital and shares with voting rights

      Information on the share capital and shares with voting rights

      It should be noted that at the date of publication of the notice of call:

      • the Company's share capital is divided into 42,500,000 ordinary shares without par value;
      • each ordinary share attributes the right to one vote;
      • the Company directly holds 217,070 treasury shares with suspended voting rights.

      Any subsequent change to the number of treasury shares held will be published on the Company's website and announced at the start of the Shareholders' Meeting.

  • 2021
    • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting April 21, 2021

      Information on the share capital and shares with voting rights

      Information on the share capital and shares with voting rights

      It should be noted that at the date of publication of the notice of call:

      • the Company's share capital is divided into 42,500,000 ordinary shares without par value;
      • each ordinary share attributes the right to one vote;
      • the Company directly holds 217,070 treasury shares with suspended voting rights.

      Any subsequent change to the number of treasury shares held will be published on the Company's website and announced at the start of the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Entitlement to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting

      Entitlement to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting

      Those who hold voting rights at the end of the seventh open market day prior to the date scheduled for the Shareholders' Meeting at a single calling (April 12, 2021 - Record date) are entitled to attend the Shareholders' Meeting, exclusively through the appointed representative.

      Those who prove to be holders of ordinary shares of the Company after this date will not be entitled to attend or vote at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Credit and debit entries registered in the accounts after the above-mentioned deadline shall not be considered for the purpose of legitimising the exercise of voting rights at the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Entitlement to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise the right to vote - which can only be exercised through the appointed representative - is attested by a notice sent by the authorised intermediary to the Company, in compliance with the intermediary's accounting records, in favour of the person entitled to vote. This notice must reach the Company before the end of the third open market day (i.e. by April 16, 2021) prior to the scheduled date of the Shareholders' Meeting. The right to attend and vote will not be affected if the Company receives the notice after this deadline, providing it is received before the start of the Shareholders' Meeting.

      Attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting, voting by proxy and the shareholders' representative appointed by the Company

      Attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting, voting by proxy and the shareholders' representative appointed by the Company

      In order to minimize the risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 health emergency and in light of the prolongation of the epidemiological emergency, Italmobiliare has decided to make use of the option - pursuant to art. 106, paragraph 4, of Decree Law 18 dated March 17, 2020, converted into Law 27 of April 24, 2020 ("Decree 18") - to provide that attendance and exercising the right to vote at the Shareholders' Meeting will take place exclusively through the representative appointed by the Company pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF, identified as the Trevisan & Associati Law Firm, with registered office in Viale Majno 45, Milan (in the person of Mr. Dario Trevisan or his substitutes in case of impediment) ("Appointed Representative").

      Shareholders wishing to attend and vote at the Shareholders' Meeting must therefore grant a specific proxy and/or sub-proxy to the Appointed Representative, pursuant to either:

      • art. 135-undecies of the CLF, by means of the "Appointed Representative Proxy Form", or
      • art. 135-novies of the CLF, with the right to use the "Ordinary Proxy Form" and/or the "Sub-Proxy Form", in the manner described below.
      • Proxy pursuant to art. 135-undecies CLF ("Appointed Representative Proxy")

      The Appointed Representative can be given a written proxy pursuant to article 135-undecies of the CLF, without expenses for the delegating party (except for any shipping costs), with voting instructions on all or some of the proposed resolutions concerning the items on the agenda.

      Giving a proxy to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF must be done by signing the specific "Appointed Representative Proxy Form", also in electronic format, made available on the Company's website, in the Governance/Shareholders' Meeting section and reach, with the related written voting instructions, together with a copy of an identity document and, in the case of a legal person, the documentation proving the corporate powers (copy of the Chamber of Commerce registration or similar), Trevisan & Associati Law Firm

      • by courier or registered letter with return receipt, to the address: Viale Majno 45, 20122 Milan, Italy, or
      • electronically, to the certified e-mail address: (Ref. "ITALMOBILIARE 2021 AGM Proxy"),

      no later than the end of the second open market day preceding the date set for the Shareholders' Meeting (i.e. no later than 11.59 pm on April 19, 2021).

      The proxy and the related voting instructions given to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF can be revoked prior to the aforementioned deadline (April 19, 2021) using the same procedures as for giving the proxy.

      A proxy given in this way only has effect for the motions on which voting instructions have been given.

      • Proxy and/or sub-proxy pursuant to art. 135-novies CLF ("ordinary proxy" and/or "sub-proxy")

      Those who do not make use of the proxies pursuant to art. 135-undecies of the CLF can grant proxies and/or sub-proxies to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-novies of the CLF, notwithstanding art. 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the CLF - with the right to use the "Ordinary Proxy Form" and/or the "Sub-Proxy Form", also in electronic format, made available on the Company's website, in the Governance/Shareholders' Meeting section - that, with the related written voting instructions, together with a copy of an identity document and, in the case of a legal person, of the documentation proving the corporate powers (copy of the Chamber of Commerce registration or similar), must reach Trevisan & Associati Law Firm

      • by mail, at the address: Viale Majno 45, 20122 Milan, Italy, or
      • electronically, by certified e-mail, at the address:; or by e-mail: (Ref. "ITALMOBILIARE 2021 AGM Proxy"),

      by 12.00 a.m. on April 20, 2021 (it being understood that the Appointed Representative may accept proxies and/or sub-proxies and/or voting instructions even after this deadline, as long as they arrive before the start of the meeting).

      The proxy and/or sub-proxy, with the related voting instructions, given to the Appointed Representative pursuant to art. 135-novies of the CLF can be revoked by the aforementioned deadline (April 20, 2021), using the same procedures as for giving the proxy.

      A proxy given in this way only has effect for the motions on which voting instructions have been given.

      * . * . *

      Note that the shares for which even a partial proxy has been given are counted to ensure regular constitution of the Shareholders' Meeting. In relation to the motions for which voting instructions have not been given, the shares are not counted for the purpose of calculating the majority and the share of capital required for approval of the resolutions.

      As of today's date, the Appointed Representative is available to the Shareholders to provide any information and clarifications that may be necessary about granting a proxy (and, in particular, regarding the completion of the proxy form and the voting instructions and their transmission), at the addresses indicated above and/or at the toll-free number: 800 134 679.

      The regular constitution of the Shareholders' Meeting and the validity of the resolutions on the items on the agenda are governed by law.

      Integration of the agenda and presentation of new motions

      Integration of the agenda and presentation of new motions

      Shareholders who, individually or jointly, own at least one fortieth of the share capital represented by shares with voting rights may request, in writing, within ten days of publication of this notice of calling, that the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting be integrated, indicating in the request the additional topics they are proposing or submitting motions on topics that are already on the agenda. Requests must be sent by registered letter to the registered offices (Italmobiliare Corporate Affairs Department - Milan, Via Borgonuovo 20) or by email to the certified email address, accompanied by the appropriate documentation attesting ownership of the required shareholding issued by the authorized intermediary and proving entitlement to exercise this right. By the said deadline and using the same procedures, the Board of Directors must be given a report on the proposed topics for discussion or the reason for the additional resolution proposals submitted on the topics already on the agenda.

      Any integrations made to the agenda or the submission of additional motions on items already on the agenda will be announced in the same forms laid down for the publication of this call notice, at least fifteen days prior to the date scheduled for the Shareholders' Meeting (namely April 6, 2021); at the same time, the report prepared by the shareholders making the proposal, accompanied by any assessments by the Board of Directors, will be made available to the public.

      Integrations of the agenda are not accepted for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves, by law, on the proposal of the directors or on the basis of a project or a report drawn up by the directors.

      Presentation of individual motions for resolution

      Presentation of individual motions for resolution

      Since attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting and exercising the right to vote can only take place through the Representative appointed by the Company, for the purposes of this Shareholders' Meeting, to allow interested parties to exercise their right pursuant to art. 126-bis, paragraph 1, penultimate sentence, of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 - albeit with methods and terms compatible with the Covid-19 health emergency and with the unfailing requirement that the individual motions for resolution be known to all of the others entitled to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise the right to vote with sufficient notice for them to provide voting instructions to the Appointed Representative - it is envisaged that the Shareholders may individually submit to the Company motions on the items on the agenda by April 5, 2021 so that the Company can then publish them. Shareholders who submit motions must demonstrate their right to do so by sending the Company specific documentation issued pursuant to the applicable provisions by the intermediary who keeps the account on which the ordinary shares are registered. The motions and the legitimating documentation must be submitted by registered mail to the registered office (Corporate Affairs Department - Milan, Via Borgonuovo 20) or by sending it to the certified email address The motions received by the deadline and in the manner described above will be published on the Company's website by April 6, 2021, in such a way that those entitled to vote will be able to view them for the purpose of granting proxies and/or sub-proxies with voting instructions to the Appointed Representative. For these purposes, the Company reserves the right to verify the relevance of the motions with respect to the items on the agenda, their completeness and their compliance with the applicable provisions, as well as the legitimacy of the proposers.

      Right to submit questions on the items on the agenda

      Right to submit questions on the items on the agenda

      Those entitled to vote may submit questions on the items on the agenda, also prior to the Shareholders' Meeting. The requests should be received at least seven open market days prior to the date of the meeting, i.e. by April 12, 2021, sent by registered letter to the registered offices (Italmobiliare Corporate Affairs Department - Milan, Via Borgonuovo 20) or by email to the certified email address accompanied by the appropriate documentation attesting entitlement to exercise voting rights issued by the authorized intermediary.

      Answers to questions will be made available within two open market days prior to the Meeting on the Company's website, in the section Governance/Shareholders' Meeting ( The Company may provide a sole answer to questions with the same content.

  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
    • Shareholders' Meeting of 18 April, 2018

      Avviso di Convocazione

      Notice of Call

      Those who are entitled to the voting rights at the Italmobiliare S.p.A. Annual General Meeting are hereby called to attend the Ordinary Annual General Meeting on single call on 18 April 2018, at 10.30 a.m., in the Intesa Sanpaolo Meetings’ room, Piazza Belgioioso, 1, Milan, to deliberate upon the following:


      1) Reports of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors on financial year 2017; examination of the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2017; resolutions pertaining thereto and resulting therefrom;
      2) Remuneration Report;
      3) Authorization for the purchase and disposal of treasury shares, subject to revocation of the authorization given by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 19 April 2017; resolutions pertaining thereto and resulting therefrom;
      4) Resignation of a Director; resolutions pertaining thereto and resulting therefrom.

      * . * . *

      Entitlement to take the floor and to vote at the Meeting

      Those who prove to be entitled to the voting rights at the end of the seventh open market day before the meeting date on single call (9 April 2018 – Record date) have the right to take the floor.
      Those who will prove to be holders of ordinary shares of the Company after said date will not be entitled to take the floor and vote at the Meeting.
      Credit and debit entries registered in the Intermediary accounts after the above-mentioned deadline do not affect entitlement to exercise the right to vote at the Meeting.
      Entitlement to take the floor at the Meeting and to exercise the right to vote is attested by a notice served by the authorized Intermediary to the Company, conforming with the Intermediary's accounting records, in favor of the person/entity who is entitled to the right to vote. Said notice must reach the Company before the end of the third open market day (i.e., by 13 April 2018) prior to the scheduled Meeting date. No prejudice to the right to take the floor and to vote at the Meeting shall be suffered should the Company receive the notice after the above-mentioned deadline, provided that it is received before the beginning of the Meeting.
      Shareholders who own ordinary shares that have not been yet dematerialized must previously deliver said shares to an Intermediary in sufficient time for their centralization in a dematerialization system, and request issue of the above-mentioned notice.
      No voting procedures by correspondence or by means of electronic devices are provided for.
      The regularity of the Meeting and the validity of its resolutions on the items on the agenda are governed by law.

      Vote by proxy

      Those who are entitled to take the floor at the Meeting may be represented by means of written proxy pursuant to current law, using the form available at the registered office (via Borgonuovo 20, 20121 Milan) and on the Company website, under the section Governance/General Meetings.
      The proxy may be notified to the Company by means of registered letter sent to the registered office (Shareholders’ Office, at the above address) or by transmission to the certified email address . The proxy-holder may also deliver or send to the Company a copy of the proxy in substitution of the original, on an electronic support if preferred, attesting under his/her own responsibility that the proxy is a copy of the original, and to the identity of the delegating party.

      * . * . *

      Supplements to the agenda

      Shareholders who, alone or jointly, own at least one fortieth of the share capital represented by shares with voting rights, may request in writing, within ten days as of the publication of this notice of call, for supplements to the Meeting agenda, stating in their application the additional items they propose. Requests must be sent by means of registered letter to the registered office (Legal and Corporate Affairs Department – to the above-mentioned address) or by transmission to the certified email address, accompanied by appropriate documentation issued by an authorized Intermediary providing evidence of the ownership of the above-mentioned percentage of the share capital and confirming the entitlement to exercise the right to make additions to the agenda. A report on the items whose examination is proposed must be delivered to the Board of Directors within the same deadline and following the same procedure.
      Any supplements to the agenda will be disclosed to the public, following the same procedure provided for the publication of this notice of call, at least fifteen days before the Meeting date (i.e., by 3 April 2018); at the same time, the report drafted by the shareholders who proposed the supplement will be made available to the public, accompanied by any considerations of the Board of Directors.
      Supplements to the agenda are not accepted for items on which the Meeting deliberates, by law, on the proposal of the directors or on the basis of a project or a report drawn up by the directors.

      Right to raise questons on the items on the agenda

      Those who are entitled to vote may submit questions on the items on the agenda before the Meeting. To facilitate proceedings and preparations for the Meeting, said questions must be received by the Company by 15 April 2018, by means of registered letter to the registered office (Legal and Corporate Affairs Department – at the above-mentioned address) or by transmission to the certified email address accompanied by appropriate documentation issued by an authorized intermediary providing evidence of the right to vote.
      Questions submitted within the above deadline will be answered during the Meeting at the latest. The Company may provide a a sole answer to questions having the same content.

      Resignation of a director

      On 13 June 2017, Livia Pomodoro, a member of the Board of Directors of Italmobiliare S.p.A., presented her resignation with immediate effect. Following this event, on 27 July 2017, the Board of Directors coopted Prof. Elsa Fornero as a new director.
      The Meeting is therefore called upon to deliberate the above replacement with a relative majority of the capital represented at the Meeting, pursuant to art. 16 of the By-laws.

      * . * . *

      Disclosure information

      The document relating to the items on the agenda, the full texts of the proposed resolutions, as well as the Board reports and the other information required by law will be made available to the public within the deadlines set forth by law at the registered office, Borsa Italiana S.p.A., on the authorized storage system eMarket-STORAGE and on the Company website under the section Governance/General Meetings.
      Shareholders have the right to review all the documents filed at the registered office and to obtain a copy thereof.

      * . * . *

      Information concerning the share capital and shares with voting rights

      The company share capital is Euro 100,166,937, represented by 47,633,800 ordinary shares, no par value.
      As of the date of publication of this notice of call, the number of shares representing the share capital with voting rights, that is net of the 5,685,870 ordinary treasury shares held by the company, is 41,947,930.


      Voting by proxy

      Those who are entitled to take the floor at the Meeting may be represented by means of written proxy pursuant to current law, using the form available at the registered office (via Borgonuovo 20, 20121 Milan) and on the Company website, under the section Governance/General Meetings.
      The proxy may be notified to the Company by means of registered letter sent to the registered office (Shareholders’ Office, at the above address) or by transmission to the certified email address . The proxy-holder may also deliver or send to the Company a copy of the proxy in substitution of the original, on an electronic support if preferred, attesting under his/her own responsibility that the proxy is a copy of the original, and to the identity of the delegating party.

      Company appointed Representative

      The Company did not appoint a person as <<Appointed representative>>, as per art. 135-undecies TUF, to which shareholders may give a proxy.

      Questions on the items on the agenda

      Those who are entitled to vote may submit questions on the items on the agenda before the Meeting. To facilitate proceedings and preparations for the Meeting, said questions must be received by the Company by 15 April 2018, by means of registered letter to the registered office (Legal and Corporate Affairs Department – at the above-mentioned address) or by transmission to the certified email address accompanied by appropriate documentation issued by an authorized intermediary providing evidence of the right to vote.
      Questions submitted within the above deadline will be answered during the Meeting at the latest. The Company may provide a a sole answer to questions having the same content.

      Resignation of a director

      On 13 June 2017, Livia Pomodoro, a member of the Board of Directors of Italmobiliare S.p.A., presented her resignation with immediate effect. Following this event, on 27 July 2017, the Board of Directors coopted Prof. Elsa Fornero as a new director.
      The Meeting is therefore called upon to deliberate the above replacement with a relative majority of the capital represented at the Meeting, pursuant to art. 16 of the By-laws

      Supplements to the agenda and presentation of new resolution' proposal

      Shareholders who, alone or jointly, own at least one fortieth of the share capital represented by shares with voting rights, may request in writing, within ten days as of the publication of this notice of call, for supplements to the Meeting agenda, stating in their application the additional items they propose. Requests must be sent by means of registered letter to the registered office (Legal and Corporate Affairs Department – to the above-mentioned address) or by transmission to the certified email address, accompanied by appropriate documentation issued by an authorized Intermediary providing evidence of the ownership of the above-mentioned percentage of the share capital and confirming the entitlement to exercise the right to make additions to the agenda. A report on the items whose examination is proposed must be delivered to the Board of Directors within the same deadline and following the same procedure.
      Any supplements to the agenda will be disclosed to the public, following the same procedure provided for the publication of this notice of call, at least fifteen days before the Meeting date (i.e., by 3 April 2018); at the same time, the report drafted by the shareholders who proposed the supplement will be made available to the public, accompanied by any considerations of the Board of Directors.
      Supplements to the agenda are not accepted for items on which the Meeting deliberates, by law, on the proposal of the directors or on the basis of a project or a report drawn up by the directors.

      Reports relating to the items on the agenda
      Capitale sociale

      Il capitale sociale è di euro 100.166.937, suddiviso in n. 47.633.800 azioni ordinarie senza valore nominale.
      Alla data di pubblicazione del presente avviso, il numero delle azioni che rappresenta il capitale sociale con diritto di voto, al netto quindi delle n. 5.685.870 azioni ordinarie proprie detenute dalla Società, è pari a n. 41.947.930

  • 2017
  • 2016
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  • 2011
  • Key economic and financial data