BoD examines 2018 financial statements
- At December 31, 2018 the value of the Portfolio companies was 497.5 million euro, more than double the value at the end of 2017 after the investments in Caffè Borbone and Iseo (for approximately 185 million euro) and the increase in value of more than 70 million euro thanks to the positive results of the investees.
- Including the investment in Autogas Nord, finalized in early January 2019, the value of the Portfolio companies accounted for approximately 40% of Italmobiliare's entire Net Asset Value of 1,421.4 million euro at the end of 2018 (1,545.2 million euro at the end of 2017).
- Among the other NAV components, the value of the equity investments in listed companies (326 million euro) decreased after the sale of securities and negative stock-market trends; the value of the private equity funds rose by approximately 36% to 129 million euro. One quarter of NAV, equivalent to approximately 345 million euro, was represented by financial assets and liquidity.
- In 2018 Italmobiliare reported profit of 19.8 million euro (102.1 million euro for 2017, after gains of more than 100 million euro on the sale of BravoSolution and some listed securities).
- Proposed distribution of a per-share dividend of 0.55 euro (0.55 euro for 2017).