BoD examines additional quarterly financial disclosure at March 31, 2019

Net Asset Value per share, excluding treasury shares held in portfolio, rises to 35.5 euro as of March 31, 2019 (33.9 euro at the end of 2018).

  • Overall NAV of 1,487.1 million euro (1,421.4 million euro at the end of 2018), with a gain of 65.7 million euro largely due to the increase in the market value of HeidelbergCement and Mediobanca equity investments.
  • During the first quarter acquisition of 26.9% of Autogas Nord led to an increase in the contribution of the portfolio companies and a reduction in cash and cash equivalents, with a neutral effect in terms of NAV.
  • Among the portfolio companies, continuous strong first-quarter performance in particular for Caffè Borbone and Tecnica Group