Notice of Call
The Shareholders are hereby called to attend the annual general meeting on first call on
24th May 2011, at 10.30 a.m.
in Milan, 1, Piazza Belgioioso, at Intesa Sanpaolo meetings’ room, and on second call on
May 25th , 2011, same time and place,
to resolve upon the following:
Agenda Ordinary Items
- Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors Reports on 2010 fiscal year: examination of financial statements at December 31st, 2010 and subsequent resolutions;
- Report on the Remuneration Policy of Italmobiliare S.p.A.;
- Authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares
- Appointment of the Board of Directors upon determination of the term of office and of the number of its members;
- Appointment of the Statutory Auditors, of the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and determination of its compensation;
- Resolutions on the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Committee for transactions with related parties;
- Long-term monetary incentive Plans for Directors and Officers; relevant and consequent resolutions
Extraordinary Items
- Proposal to amend articles 9 (Call), 11 (Participation and representation), 16 (Appointment of the Board of Directors) 19 (Powers of the Board of Directors), 25 (Appointment of the Board of Statutory auditors) and 31 (Profits allocation) of the company bylaws;
- Proposal to renew the directors’ powers, under article 2443 of the Italian Civil code, to increase the share capital by means of payment, in one or more times, according to article 2441 of the Italian Civil Code, 8th clause, for a maximum amount of nominal €9100,000 by means of the issue of 350,000 ordinary and/or savings shares to be reserved, under current regulations, to employees of the company and its subsidiaries. Relevant and consequent resolutions.
Assignment of relevant powers.
Attached the full press release