Ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting april 17, 2019

Those entitled to vote at the Italmobiliare S.p.A. Shareholders' Meeting are hereby called to attend the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in a single call on April 17, 2019, at 10.30 a.m., at the Intesa Sanpaolo Meeting Room, Piazza Belgioioso 1, Milan, to resolve upon the following


Extraordinary Meeting

  • Proposed cancellation of 5,133,800 treasury shares without reduction of the share capital and consequent amendment of article 5 of the Company’s by-laws.

Ordinary Meeting

  • Financial statements at 31 December 2018 and allocation of the net income.
  • Appointment of a director.
  • Appointment of the external auditor for the years 2019-2027.
  • Authorization to buy back and dispose of treasury shares, subject to revocation of the authorization given by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 18, 2018.
  • Consultation on the first section of the remuneration report pursuant to article 123-ter, subsection 6, Legislative Decree 58/1998.