Purchase of treasury saving shares

Italmobiliare S.p.A. hereby announces the purchase of no. 334,545 treasury savings shares at an average price of 32.5862 Euro per share for a total amount of 10,822,227.96 Euro in the period from 5 August to August 12, 2016 inclusive, pursuant to the resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2016 (previously disclosed as per art. 144-bis of Consob Issuers Regulation no. 11971/1999).

Details of the transactions on a daily basis are indicated below:

Transaction date No. of purchased
savings shares
price (euro)
value (euro)
05/08/2016 74,000 31.4460 2,327,004.43
08/08/2016 90,000 32.1233 2,891,100.62
09/08/2016 60,750 32.2436 1,958,797.99
10/08/2016 42,500 32.6463 1,387,466.63
11/08/2016 30,500 33.2860 1,015,221.98
12/08/2016 36,795 33.7719 1,242,636.31

Following these transactions, the Company holds a total of no, 373,045 treasury savings shares, equal to 2.28 % of the capital represented by savings shares.