Milan, April, 7, 2014 – Italmobiliare S.p.A. in its capacity as promoter of the solicitation of voting proxies, pursuant to Articles 136 et seq. of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 (“TUF”) for the Italcementi S.p.A. special savings shareholders’ meeting held today, pursuant to Article 137, paragraph 5 of Consob Regulation No. 11971/1999, announces:
- that it has received 362 valid and effective proxies accompanied by voting instructions, for a total of 4,581,704 savings shares, representing approximately 4.35 % of the total Italcementi’s savings shares;
- that it has received an additional 16 proxies that are formally invalid, representing 59,490 saving shares, or approximately 0.06% of the total Italcementi’s saving shares; and 50 proxies representing 328,706 saving shares, or approximately 0.31% of the total Italcementi’s saving shares were not admitted to the voting process due to the absence of the relevant notification by the intermediary;
- that it has not received any proxies lacking of the voting instructions.
- that it has exercised in connection with the proposal of vote in favor set forth in the solicitation prospectus published on 19 March 2014, on the basis of the proxies received from the delegating shareholders, the following votes:
Proposal for the resolution on the only item on agenda of the special savings shareholders’ Meeting convened for April 7, 2014(“Proposal for mandatory conversion of the saving shares into ordinary shares of the Company; perusal of consequent amendments to the Bylaws to be approved by the extraordinary Meeting of ordinary shareholders”):
- vote in favor on the part of 4,581,704 saving shares, representing approximately 4.35% of the total saving shares.
It is noticed that Italmobiliare did not exercised any dissenting vote with regard to the proposal concerned by the solicitation pursuant to Article 137, paragraph 3, TUF.
For further details on the resolutions passed by the Italcementi special savings shareholders’ meeting, which has approved the proposal of resolution regarding the mandatory conversion of the Italcementi’s saving shares please refer to the press release issued today by Italcementi.