Italmobiliare NAV at 1.6 billion euro after distribution of extraordinary dividend and conversion of savings shares

A 2.9% stake held in HeidelbergCement

At a meeting today the Italmobiliare Board of Directors took note of the positive outcome of the recent transaction for the distribution of an extraordinary preferred dividend to the savings shareholders and the simultaneous mandatory conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares.

Consequently, the Italmobiliare share capital of 100,166,937 euro is now represented by 23,816,900 ordinary no par value shares. The company’s main shareholders are Efiparind (44.0%), Serfis (9.6%), Mediobanca (8.8%), First Eagle group (8.1%).

After the investment made in connection with the transaction, Italmobiliare NAV currently stands at approximately 1.6 billion euro (of which about 600 million euro in cash) with respect to capitalization of approximately 1.1 billion euro. NAV per share is around 68 euro.

As a result of the distribution of the extraordinary dividend (80 euro in cash and 3 HeidelbergCement shares for every 10 savings shares held), Italmobiliare now holds 5.7 million HeidelbergCement ordinary shares, representing approximately 2.9% of HeidelbergCement capital.