Italmobiliare is part of “I 200 del FAI” in the mission for the protection, care and appreciation of Italy’s historic, artistic and environmental heritage

Italmobiliare has joined “I 200 del FAI” (“FAI’s 200” n.d.T.), a group of patrons that, together with their businesses, support the FAI (the Italian Environmental Fund) in its mission to protect, care for and ensure full appreciation of our country’s historic, artistic and environmental heritage.

Standing alongside the Foundation since 1987, “I 200 del FAI” help increase the recapitalization fund and finance important resto-ration projects and national events. If today the FAI protects 58 items of heritage, has more than 170,000 registered members and involves millions of people in initiatives spreading awareness of and seeking to safeguard some of our country’s best-loved places, the merit also and in particular goes to “I 200 del FAI”.


The FAI is a non-profit foundation established in 1975, on the National Trust model, with the aim of protecting and ensuring the appreciation of Italy’s historic, artistic and environmental heritage.


Fondo Ambiente